"Give me freedom to fly without a shadow,
Give me freedom to sing without an echo,
and to love without leaving traces."
This blog is an entry point. We invite you to use it to walk further along your path and find out for yourself what "Menju" is (see below). If you want more means to be with us, the main website is www.floridazen.com “Menju”or “Face to Face Transmission” aside from being the title of a chapter in Dogen Zenji’s Shobogenzo, is also the name for one of the most basic Zen traditions. This “face to face” started with Shakyamuni Buddha holding up a flower on Vulture Peak and Mahakashyapa simply smiling. It is akin to the gaze between mother and child; a mirroring; a nourishment for mutual development. Today we have the technological “IndraNet.” It offers seemingly endless resources for the sharing of written and graphic teachings. This blog is one such nodule in the vast net. However, the blog is in no way intended to replace Menju, our being together as a group or individually with a teacher. This blog is a service only. Its intention is to use the form, like the banks of a river, to direct or awaken the flow of ancient and contemporary wisdom for ourselves and the world we are part of. Traveling in this blog, newcomers to our group may get a scent of the climate we practice in; a taste of what appeals to those who practice with us; and might take a step to sit with us and discover what it means to be with lovers of true silence. The silence that echoes from every teaching that connects and says “I have been here all along. There never was a need to search. Rest in this shared wisdom and find the place that seems most natural.” Doshin Sensei |
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